Adjusting to Motion in Man Coverage


Canadian football Defensive Coordinators can’t escape from it.

Here are a couple quick thoughts about dealing with Motion when we’re in Man-to-Man Coverage.

Same Side

Start with a simple one. A quick switch of two Receivers on the same side of the Formation.

Two clear options here. The defenders could LOCK their initial Receivers, or they could SWITCH.

adjusting to motion

If the defenders LOCK, the Offence will likely know it’s Man Coverage. This is an early key to the Offence and could allow them to hurt you on the play. It also might be difficult to maintain the desired leverage if you LOCK versus this look.

On the plus side, LOCKING is simple. Each defender lines up across from a certain Receiver, and they know they are covering that player for the entire play, no matter what.

If you SWITCH, you disguise things better and it’s easier to maintain leverage, but now some communication is required. Any mistakes on the SWITCH could result in an uncovered Receiver and a potential touchdown.


This is an interesting one.

What if your Receiver adds in to the box to help with Pass Protection? What should you do next?

adjusting to motion

I’ve seen a couple different plans here.

One option would be to Blitz and Engage. This means to attack your Receiver aggressively in order to create more pressure on the QB. The tricky part is that your Receiver is still eligible, so you need to be ready for them to slip out into a late route or Screen.

Another option would be to fall off and become an additional Low Zone help player. The challenge here is that your teammates are not expecting your help, so it’s tough for them to adjust their leverages and techniques to utilize your help. You basically become a bonus player.

Adjusting to Motion Across the Formation

Just like with the same side Motion, your two big options here are to LOCK or SWITCH.

I recently recorded a short video on this topic, you can watch it here:

All the best,

Jon Svec
Defensive Coordinator
St. Francis Xavier University
X-Men Football
IG: @jonsvecx
Twitter: @jonsvecx

Jon Svec is the author of the e-book Canadian Football Chalk Talk: Defensive Basics.